[MISSION] Powerplant - Depredation

23 Replies, 12176 Views
Wave 2:
- Remade first 2 subwaves into 1 subwave

Wave 3:
- Remade first 2 subwaves

Wave 4:
- Swapped the first 2 subwaves but kept the tank in the same spot
- Changed Giant Crit Burst Fire Demos to Giant Scatter Demos
- Changed 30 Direct Hit Soldiers and 20 Crit Scouts to 30 Crit Concheror Punchies and 30 Steel Gauntlets

will test later
[Image: image.png]
Wave 2:
- Reduced Dragon's Fury Pyro amount to 50
- Reduced Giant Charged Soldier and Super Scout amounts to 4
- Reduced Tank speed from 90 to 75

Wave 4:
- Changed 30 Crit Concheror Punchies to 45
- Changed 30 Steel Gauntlets to 15

Wave 5:
- Removed WaitForAllDead from the Giant Crit Rapid Fire Bison wavespawn and increased their WaitBetweenSpawns from 4.5 to 7
- Removed Crit Double Barrel Soda Popper Scouts for MaxActive reasons
- Made Targe Demomen Minigiants
- Changed 3 non tele-in tele engies to tele-in tele engies
[Image: image.png]
Wave 1:
- Made last Giant Heavy wait for all the Giant Demomen to spawn, instead of the entire first subwave

Wave 2:
- Changed 4 Super Scouts to 4 Giant Scouts
- Changed 50 Dragon's Fury Pyros to 25 Dragon's Fury Pyros and 25 Direct Hit Soldiers

Wave 3:
- Spies and Snipers spawn earlier and slightly more often
- Swapped Bison Soldier and Airblast Pyro placement
- Mitten Heavy Support spawns in bigger bursts and faster

Wave 6:
- Last Giant Heavy and Giant Soldier will have 2 Kritz Medics and 2 Uber Medics respectively
[Image: image.png]
- Giant Demomen now have 3300 HP instead of 3200

Wave 3:
- Turned 24 Bison Soldiers and 24 Airblast Pyros into 48 Bowmen

Wave 4:
- Turned 6 Giant Scatter Burst Demomen into 6 Giant Demomen

Wave 5:
- Removed Engineers + Uber Medics
- Made Hybrid Knights limited support that spawns from the beginning of the wave
- Lowered general firepower of the bison boss and Giant Bison Soldiers
- Made Giant Scouts and Giant Bison Soldiers simply wait a long time to spawn instead of waiting for the boss to die
- Crit Concheror Support now waits for the Hybrid Knights to finish spawning instead of the entire last subwave
- Turned Long-Uber Medics into normal uber duration Medics
[Image: image.png]
- Gave Airblast Pyro name to Airblast Pyros

Wave 4:
- Lowered totalcount of all the commons + giant shotgun heavies for pacing reasons

Wave 5:
- Increased the amount of Spies at the beginning (6 > 9)
- Nerfed dmg bonus vs sentries on the Giant Bison Soldiers to 2.5 and Wicked Bison to 5.0
- Nerfed reload and fire rate on the Wicked Bison
- Added a 18 second WaitBeforeStarting on tele-in engies

Wave 6:
- Nerfed Tank HP to 22000

Wave 7:
- Changed final Tank HP from 42000 to 35000 and gave it 90 Speed
- Final Tank now waits 60 seconds to spawn instead of waiting for the first Tank to die
[Image: image.png]
Each wave now uses a specific path:
Waves 1 and 2: right-right
Waves 3 and 6: right-left
Waves 4 and 7: right-middle
Wave 5: left-right

Wave 5:
- Hybrid Knights are now infinite support that stop spawning when crit conches spawn
- Added extra Hybrid Knights to the second subwave (that stop spawning when crit conches spawn)
- Giant Heavies should now ACTUALLY only spawn when the first/second teles finish setting up

- Mission is now EPIC. hopefully
[Image: image.png]
Wave 7:
- Spaced out spawns on the 5 Giant pairs (4 waitbeforestarting > 7 waitbeforestarting, 12 waitbetweenspawns > 14 waitbetweenspawns)
- Changed MaxActive on the 5 Giant pairs from 3 to 4
- Removed Deflector Heavy support to make room for more maxactive
[Image: image.png]
Wave 2:
- Changed all Pyros to easy AI non-alwaysfire Pyros
- Removed Engies

Wave 3:
- Changed Bowmen to Shotgun Heavies

Wave 4:
- Changed Engies to Tele Engies

Wave 5:
- Lowered the amount of Hybrid Knights

Wave 7:
- Upped last Tank speed from 90 speed to 100 and reduced its hp from 35000 to 31500
[Image: image.png]
- Waves no longer use a specific path because powerplant/source engine is fucked up

Wave 4:
- Removed Buff Banners from Colonel Barrages

Wave 5:
- Changed the Hybrid Knights that spawn from the first subwave to normal Demomen
[Image: image.png]
Wave 3:
- Sped up Shotgun Heavy spawns slightly to avoid straggling

Attached Files
.zip   depredation_final.zip (Size: 62.45 KB / Downloads: 13)
[Image: image.png]

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