[MISSION] Coaltown - Capricious Calamity

15 Replies, 7814 Views
Change log:

Overall: This change log is the result of testing the mission with people before judging it. Some of the suggested changes made some waves way too rough, and had to readjust some of them. Remember kids, always test your mission before submitting it to judge, even if you did everything that you've been told. Some changes may make stuff worse sometimes, if not done correctly.

-The wave was very weak for an expert. The tank has been moved to the beggining of the subwave. The Giant Charged Soldiers become Giant Black Box Soldiers

-Increasing the MaxActive of the GRapids made the wave very rough. They have a WBS of 30 from now on.
-The bisons seemed to be overkill. They're moved to beggining. Their SpawnCount was halved, and a WBS of 3 seconds was added.

-Halved the TotalCount of heavies and pyros and their MaxActive as well. They've managed to hit the 22 M.A floor, and the GShotgun Heavies weren't spawning how they were supposed to be, what made the wave to straggle.

-The wave was a 2 min Tanks Busting Simulator with a very overkill finale. The tanks are now removed.
-Removed the melee demos. They're replaced with 30 buff banners
Change log

Yes, another change log for today. We're feeling productive for some reason.

-Removed all of the GBursts. The mission now has 8 Rapid Fire Demos, spawning 2 at once

-Made the Heavies spawn a little bit later

-Turned out the last bursts were WFAD, they're WFAS now
-Added 20 bowmen to help the last 2 GBursts

W5: (God I hate this wave so much)
-Added 4 Giant Rapid Fire Laser Soldiers, supported with 4 full duration medics

-Moved the tank and the Burst demos to spawn somewhere in the middle of the wave

-Added 4 Nuke GSoldiers
-Added 4 Giant Laser Soldiers
-Removed Dragon Fury Pyros
Change log

-Fixed the pacing issues on the finale

-Fixed the difficulty drop on the finale part of the wave

-GShotguns were replace with GPyros

-Weakened the rapid fire lasers a lil bit, so they won't be that overkill

-Swaped the positions for GRapid Fire Buff Banners and GBurst demos

-The wave was removed
Change log:

-Reduced the amount of commons for the pacing's sake

-Changed the giant demos spawn to spawnbot_giant
-Gave the Rapid Fire Demo the "demo_spammer_giant" icon

-The bowmen are now Support Limited

-The Super Scouts don't have a WaitBeforeStarting anymore

-Removed 2 Giant Rapid Fire Buff Banner Soldiers

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1k3JFThD...share_link
(This post was last modified: 03-05-2023, 03:12 PM by ✪ FraHtcy3.)
No Strike

Demo link: https://us-testing.moonlight.tf:27107/de...28.dem.zip

Many of the mission’s shortcomings are linked to the map choice. Coaltown’s awful front gives little cover and is basically a big open corridor, making classes like pyro suffer while classes such as sniper dominate. This also applies to the bots. Hitscan bots are also very strong in comparison to projectiles due to the large sightlines and little cover.

The path balancing is also a big issue on coaltown. The top paths are significantly easier to hold than the bottom ones, due to their tiny chokes, allowing a single sentry gun placed in the doorways on the top paths to completely block any giants.

This wave has some big dps requirements for only $900, with giant airblast pyros, uber medics, tanks, and gbboxes. Classes such as soldier, who is already weaker at lower cash levels, get countered by stuff such as the gairblast and 18k tank. Meanwhile, heavy and engie, classes with high, low cash, single target dps thrive.

Listed below are a few possible things you could try to solve the issue of the dps requirements being too high. These are just suggestions, test them out yourself and see what works. Testing without engie or heavy can be useful to make sure it isn’t too much for other classes to handle at this cash level.

Removing the airblast from the gpyros would make it so the wave doesn’t unnecessarily counter classes like soldier. Lowering the tank hp might also be helpful so the team doesn’t have to rely on an engie to take down the tank (Engie’s got higher tank dps than pyro at this cash).

The bomb got launched onto the middle building so it’s a bit hard to give feedback on this wave.

This wave was pretty good, although the ending could be slightly toned down.

This wave was mostly fine as well, with the exception of the final gmed combos dragging. The MaxActive can be raised from 3 -> 4 so that there isn’t a huge gap between the pairs if the team gets pushed to hatch.

The beginning subwave is very weak. Buff soldiers and super scouts isn’t very threatening at this cash level. You could either support the super scouts with stronger bots or maybe just spawn more super scouts at a faster rate.

This wave was ok. However the final grapid buff soldiers come way too late to do anything and just drag out the wave.
I am retiring the mission.

The mission was mostly a challenge of making a decent product on a very bad map, but unfortunatly, the challenge didn't work out.
I could've continue working on it on another map, but I just don't wanna launch the game anymore and work on something that is related to the game in question.
Besides all of that, I simply don't receive any kind of joy from the process of creating it.

TL;DR, I started to hate my own product and I wanna throw it to the trash bin.

It's over boys, we won't have a good ending for this mission.

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