[MISSION] Nox - Noble Notoriety

22 Replies, 4513 Views
Mission name: Noble Notoriety
Map: Nox
Difficulty: Advanced

DAReaperKid (me): Mission
Various icon makers: Icons

(This was tested on potato.tf servers, I am including in the zip file Nox's .bsp and .nav if in case the servers do not have the map)

(This post was last modified: 01-15-2024, 05:07 AM by dareaperofsouls. Edit Reason: name change )
Hi, we judged your mission.

Judges present: Randomguy, PDA Expert, Floro
Demo link: https://us-testing.moonlight.tf:27107/de...52.dem.zip

The mission does not meet the difficulty expectations we would have of an expert mission. Some waves were clearly paced to work when the team gets pushed (wave 3), which turns into a waiting room simulator when said pushing doesn't occur.

Mission could use more threatening robots, on top of more variety in damage types (it was very easy to avoid death by just upgrading one resistance on the majority of waves; consider using robots whose main damage type cannot be resisted). We highly suggest you look at the demos for the specifics of what to make harder.

Many waves have a lot of downtime, the pressure isn't consistent, which plays a big part in making the mission significantly easier than it should be. Keeping this in mind, you should give small buffs to every wave, and dramatically buff waves 3 and 7.

Watch the demo closely before implementing buffs for your giants; since this was played with a Spy, the giant subwaves may have been a lot easier for us. Change them at your discretion, though be careful not to overbuff them. You may want to consider adding things that make a Spy's life harder specifically.

Wave 1:
Final subwave is the exact same as the final subwave of Quarry 2, a wave from a Valve intermediate mission. Make it an expert subwave.

Wave 3:
The final giants were massively straggling, due to what I'm assuming is pacing being balanced around the wave pushing - it just doesn't push. Buff this wave significantly.

Wave 7:
By this point in the mission, the cash is too high for backup spam to make any difference, particularly when the entire wave is blast damage type. Consider adding mission support snipers instead of spies, and using damage types that aren't blast.
- Removed the _daan icon for airblast pyros but added the traffic cone

- heavies are now normal ais
- added another gburst
- medics are now uber meds

- super scouts are now wave support
- heavies are now scouts

- increased tank health from 20K to 21.5K
- moved airblast pyros to support 1
- modified glaser

- removed scorch shots
- added ab pyros
- added an additional deflector

- tank health from 27K to 29K
- modified gpyro stats
- scouts are now normal ai
- added crits on the rapidburst

- hok heavy now has a gmed
- added crits on the conch
- modified infbar stats

- im feeling evil and i changed those batts to airblast batts pyro <3
- increased health health from 20K to 28K
- removed 1 tank
- changed blast soldiers to heavies
- added airblast pyro support
- mission spy changed to mission sniper

- boss is in its own wave
- changed boss stats

Assets uploaded to server
Hi, we judged your mission.

Verdict: NO STRIKE
Judges present: Egg, Pasta, Floro, PDA Expert
Demo link: https://us-testing.moonlight.tf:27107/de...66.dem.zip

Overall: Wave 1 through 4 did not feel like an expert mission; waves 6 through 8 felt spammy, rather than difficult. Wave 5 hits the sweetspot difficulty wise, you should use wave 5 as a benchmark for the kind of difficulty you'd want to hit on every wave.
Tone down the common airblast pyros, they are not the only way to mess with spies.
Ditto with mission support snipers, they do not all need to have a razorback.
-Sentry busters should have a cooldown of 30 seconds rather than 45.

Wave 2:
-Wave falls apart to an Engineer. Add in things that can actually attack a sentry gun. Consider demoman bots & direct hits (do not spam spies).

Wave 3:
This wave also falls apart to an Engineer. Add in real threats for a sentry gun.
-Replace the giants with rapids.
-Way too many airblast pyros in support that ultimately don't do very much besides being a bother for Spies. Less of them, and consider adding in a new support that can be a real threat to engineers.

Wave 4:
Wave is on the easier side of things, it doesn't push very much. Slight buffs would be appreciated.
-Airblast pyros as commons are getting repetitive fast, consider changing them to something else. We felt the wave was a missed opportunity to use stronger knight templates.

Wave 6:
-The common crit conches get very spammy fast. Take off the alway crit, less conch soldiers, add in robots that hit harder without needing crits.
-The OP giant at the end is really spammy. A colonel does the same thing as he does whilst leaving opportunities to shoot, consider replacing them with one (or a bigrock burst, or any other hard hitting giants of your choosing).

Wave 7:
Consider scrapping the wave entirely.
-Airblast pyros getting even more repetitive.
-Backup spam did not work well in the previous judging session, it still doesn't in its current iteration. Consider using backups more sparingly, with burst spawns of another kind of robots singular backups can protect.
-Use the valve template giant backup. These are already strong giants, they do not need to have their reloading suppressed.
-The heavies at the end are massively straggling.

Wave 8:
-Do not put alwaysfire on a giant heavy.
-The tiny delay before the boss comes in is unnecessary, cut it.
-Damage vs. buildings is too high on the boss.
-Ring of fire does a lot of damage. If there is any way to, consider toning it down.
-Consider adding in another support robot (sparse amounts of common hard heavies were suggested, think Disk Deletion 8 support heavies). Tone down the boss's strength in favour of stronger support.
(This post was last modified: 01-04-2024, 05:55 PM by "I have emails" -David Starkey.)
- decreased buster cooldown from 45 to 35
- w6 and w8 snipers now have razorbacks, w1 and w4 doesnt

Wave 1
- first burstfire now has a gmed (no other bots other than snipers spawn on this sub anyways)
- heavy sub is now in the bonk scout sub

Wave 2
- added gshotgun on first sub
- soldiers are now nonextended buff banners
- added demos on this wave

Wave 3
- tanks are now separated
- increased first tank health
- decreased second tank health
- scouts are now giant demos
- removed airblast pyros
- soldiers on second sub
- removed the meds

Wave 4
- swapped the subwaves
- pyros replaced with samurais
- added engies

Wave 5
- removed 1 tank
- removed the ubers

Wave 6
- randomchoice buff banners with conch
- removed the crits on conches
- removed super scouts
- infbar to giant df pyros

Wave 7
- removed sniper support
- batt pyros are squadded with gdemos
- tank is now on batts sub
- removed support pyros
- removed crits on gbatt
- increased tank health

Wave 8
keeping the 11 second break for teams who want to eliminate the engies
- changed boss stats
- engie support are now in wavespawn
- also added heavy support
- added a short subwave (super scout spam <3) before the boss so at the very least the engies have a purpose

Assets upload to server
(This post was last modified: 01-07-2024, 03:36 AM by dareaperofsouls. Edit Reason: added words )
Hi, we judged your mission.

Verdict: NO STRIKE
Judges present: Egg, Randomguy, Frahtcy, Floro
Demo link: https://us-testing.moonlight.tf:27107/de...56.dem.zip

Your wave structure is repetitive and not very engaging. One kind of giant mixed with one big, unchanging wavespawn of commons. The issue was noted on practically every wave, subwaves go on for way longer than they should and get old fast.

Wave 3:
-1st tank should be on the alt path.
-Not difficult enough. A marginal buff would be welcome, particularly on the second subwave.

Wave 4:
-Add variety in the giants you use.
-Cut your demoknight wave in two halves; one of the same demoknights, and another of persian knights that comes after.

Wave 5:
-Common scouts at the end were underwhelming, combine them with another type of commons or a stronger finale.

Wave 7:
-The backup pyros should be regular 175 commons.
-The giant backups stack. Use less of them (3 max), with greater delays.

Wave 8:
-Boss is overall not very fun, the supports don't do much in making him harder. Consider removing that wave, or integrating it with the previous wave.
waves 2, 4 and 6 have their subwaves swapped

wave 1
- bonk scouts spawn after 14 seconds

wave 2
- first sub doesnt suck now
- demos to soldiers
- second sub commons wait a little longer

wave 3
- first tank is now alt path
- second tank spawns a little faster
- buffed second tank health
- added meds on the g lasers

wave 4
- added giant flare pyro
- added persians
- reduced bots on second sub

wave 5
- reduced soldiers
- added airblast pyros
- changed rapidburst stats

wave 6
- added more demos
- added meds on the gfuries

wave 7
- added gshotguns on first sub
- added a gbuff on second sub

wave 8
- changed first sub
- sniper support to minigiant
- boss health back to 40k
Verdict: STRIKE
Judges present: FraHtcy3, Skin King, Randomguy, Quantum Apple, Floro

Demo link: https://us-testing.moonlight.tf:27107/de...73.dem.zip

Waves 1 through 4 are in a substantially better state, with only minor straggling issues worth noting. Good work on that.
However, waves 5 through 8 are considerably worse, with a wave being completely non-functional and feedback going ignored. We believe such major issues do warrant a strike after the 4th judging session this mission has received.

Wave 2:
-The buff soldiers straggle a bit, lower totalcount by 4 or 8.

Wave 5:
-Revert the changes you've made on wave 5. Beyond the repetitive structure issue we discussed, this wave was your best in previous iterations, and the changes you've made to it made it way too easy.

Wave 6:
-Wave completely breaks after killing the buff soldier, the wave ends without allowing us to fight the other robots.

Wave 7:
-We have already pointed out to you that the backup & buff soldiers have no business having a random reload speed attribute. This was already brought up to you in the second judging session.

Wave 8:
-This has consistently always been the worst wave on your mission, it really doesn't add much to your mission. The robots you've added to it make it way more spammy. This wave has too many fundamental issues, do not keep it, it isn't doing your mission any favours. We suggest to merge your W8 boss with W7.
-Get rid of the random resistances the boss gets on different phases, this is way too hard to properly communicate to players.
(This post was last modified: 01-10-2024, 02:43 AM by "I have emails" -David Starkey.)
We now have an accepted mission called Noxibility that is very similar to the name of this mission. Please choose a new name.
- renamed mission to nephrite's nobilitation
- fixed w6, you can play the wave normally

wave 2
- reduced the soldiers and buff soldiers

wave 3
- slighty reduced tank health

wave 5
- reduced the soldiers
- removed the pyros, increased the scouts
- removed meds, rapidbursts spawns in 2

wave 7
- ermoved reload speed on the gbuff and gbatt
- increased tank health to 40K
first sub is basically team separation with the weak subwave but high hp tank
second sub is the main push

wave 8
basically made this a lot better
- removed engies
- remove rais
- reduced recharge on the gbonks
- boss is now the first sub
- boss health to 50K (considering he's alone)
- added a quick miniboss at the end of the wave

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