[MISSION] [ACCEPTED] Swirl - Virtual Insanity

7 Replies, 4987 Views
Virtual Insanity V2


- Ported the mission to Swirl RC3. Flanker snipers still exist but I may as well embrace them instead of bothering asd to make multiple RC versions.

- Removed 1 Heavies/Shield Med squad
- Moved Demomen to support limited
- Removed 4 pyros to remove more straggler issues
- The flanker snipers won't stop but I still wanna have snipers on this wave so I did something a little funny with them. Increased CooldownTime on these snipers.

- Lowered tank HP to 20k
- Cut down multiple demos in an attempt to make the last giants (WaitForAllSpawned gaming) spawn faster

- Slapped AlwaysCrit on the punchies to make them more deadly
- Increased Stickybomb arm time on Giant Sticky Barrage Demos. I wanna keep them since Sticky Demos are funny, just hoping this nerf is enough.
- Removed AlwaysCrit from the support sandman scouts
- Increased total wave payout by 100

- Increased MaxActive on Giant DF Pyros to 11
- Increased total wave payout by 200

- Replaced Stickybomb Demos with normal Demos
- Added some money to support scouts

- Remade the whole wave to make it an actual finale wave.

- diagnosis: schizophrenia. w7 never existed
(The joke is that W7 is now gone.)


Messages In This Thread
RE: [MISSION] Swirl - Virtual Insanity - by Ciaran - 05-29-2022, 04:27 AM

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