
17 Replies, 11989 Views
randomguy told me that someone here is responsible
If I had a dollar everytime I had a dollar I would have 2 had a dollar, which isn't a had a dollar but it's had a dollar that it happened had a dollar.
Yo the empire is pretty chill
Maybe you could join it or something
Formatting be like

Quote:"Raf mod is the future of mvm" -someone

                Name    placeholder
                TotalCurrency    50
                TotalCount    20
                MaxActive    8
                SpawnCount    1
                WaitBeforeStarting    1
                WaitBetweenSpawns    1
                Where    spawnbot

                        Class Soldier
                        Health 10000
                        Class Soldier
                        Health 3000
                            "move speed bonus" 10
                        Class Soldier
                        Health 300
                            ItemName "TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER"
                            "faster reload rate" 0.2
                            "clip size penalty" 0.25
                            "fire rate bonus" 9
                            "damage bonus" 6 //Maybe its late enough to do this.
                            // holy fuck that was annoying
                            "blast radius increased" 5
                            "Set DamageType Ignite" 1
                            "dmg bonus vs buildings" 10
                        Class Soldier
                        Spell [$SIGSEGV] //Gives specified spell to bots.
                            Delay 2 //Time before the first spell charges are given (Default: 10)
                            Cooldown 10 //Time between each spell changes (Default: 10)
                            Repeats 0 //How many times should spell charges be given in total (Default: 0 - Infinite)
                            IfSeeTarget 1 //When set to 1, this task activates only when the bot can see the target player (Default: 0 - Always activate)
                            Charges 5 //How many spell charges to give every time the spell is given (Default: 1)
                            Limit 1 //How many spell charges the bot can store (Default: Same as charges given)
                            //IfHealthBelow 100 //When set, the task activates only when the bot health is below specified value
                            Type "Tesla Bolt"
                        Item "TF_WEAPON_SPELLBOOK"
                            ItemName "TF_WEAPON_SPELLBOOK"
                            "mod projectile heat seek power" 30 [$SIGSEGV]
                            "deploy time decreased" 0.01
                            "fire rate bonus" 0.01   
                            //"dmg penalty vs players" 0.75
                            //"Projectile speed increased" 0.7
We do a little

Yo lines

White text

what is this witchcraft
I keep trying to enjoy my totinos but people keep taping bananas to the walls
kill them ALL!!!!

[Image: hay_block_side.png]            crimbo
why is this message red
If I had a dollar everytime I had a dollar I would have 2 had a dollar, which isn't a had a dollar but it's had a dollar that it happened had a dollar.
Hello chat

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