[MISSION] Tensai - Wasabi Warzone

27 Replies, 23261 Views
Mission name: Wasabi Warzone
Map: Tensai
Difficulty: Advanced
Mission type: Endurance
Current Version: Version 17

Retrowave(Myself): for making the mission & the waves.
Dayal: For making the map.
Potato mvm community: for the custom icons & testing the mission during the early stages.

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(This post was last modified: 05-15-2022, 12:55 AM by Retrowave.)
My test restrictions:
-Run without medic shield at least once.
-Run without heavy at least once.
-Run with out sniper and/or spy at least once.
Completely redone the entire mission.
Mission - Wasabi Warzone
Difficulty - Advanced
Judges Present: eyes, Mo, randomguy, A+drew

Demo: https://us-testing.moonlight.tf:27107/de...63.dem.zip

No strike

w1: difficulty spike on the last subwave with the 4 giant shotgun heavies, pacing on the last 2 subwaves felt too slow, especially on the steel gauntlet one

w2: buff tank hp to 20k, change giant armored sandmen to normal giant sandmen, and pacing in the end felt weird.

w3: giant rapid fire soldiers should have their crits removed, giant medics should pop at 50 hp instead of 200 hp, change the last few banner soldiers to support limited
[Image: image.png]
(02-13-2022, 12:49 AM)eyes Wrote: Mission - Wasabi Warzone
Difficulty - Advanced
Judges Present: eyes, Mo, randomguy, A+drew

Demo: https://us-testing.moonlight.tf:27107/de...63.dem.zip

No strike

w1: difficulty spike on the last subwave with the 4 giant shotgun heavies, pacing on the last 2 subwaves felt too slow, especially on the steel gauntlet one

w2: buff tank hp to 20k, change giant armored sandmen to normal giant sandmen, and pacing in the end felt weird.

w3: giant rapid fire soldiers should have their crits removed, giant medics should pop at 50 hp instead of 200 hp, change the last few banner soldiers to support limited

Changes I've made:

Wave 1:
-Cut down robots in the ending subwave.
-replaced giant shotgun heavies with giant alwayscrit gru heavies.

Wave 2:
-Replaced giant armoured sandmans with regular giant sandmans.
-Buffed each tank to 20k instead of 17k.
-Changed the spawns for the colonels (wait for all spawned instead of all dead).

Wave 3:
-Removed crits from giant rapid soldiers.
-Made giant uber meds pop at 50hp instead of 200hp.
-Made last 16 conches support limited.

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(02-13-2022, 12:49 AM)eyes Wrote: Mission - Wasabi Warzone
Difficulty - Advanced
Judges Present: eyes, Mo, randomguy, A+drew

Demo: https://us-testing.moonlight.tf:27107/de...63.dem.zip

No strike

w1: difficulty spike on the last subwave with the 4 giant shotgun heavies, pacing on the last 2 subwaves felt too slow, especially on the steel gauntlet one

w2: buff tank hp to 20k, change giant armored sandmen to normal giant sandmen, and pacing in the end felt weird.

w3: giant rapid fire soldiers should have their crits removed, giant medics should pop at 50 hp instead of 200 hp, change the last few banner soldiers to support limited
Version 4 Changes I've made:

Wave 1:
-Changed spawn times of the last subwave (again).

Wave 2:
-Made last few scouts support limited.
-Gave randomchoice flare pyros silly little hats for each so you can tell from a distance.

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Judges Present: PDA Expert, Seelpit, Package O' Lies, Eyes

Demo: https://us-testing.moonlight.tf:27107/de...35.dem.zip

No strike (however 2/4 judges voted strike)

All waves: make spies come less often.

make the giant charged soldiers not come out of top spawn
The subwave with the bowmen, crit pyros, and dragon's furies was underwhelming
last giants have health drain, "mod_maxhealth_drain_rate" 0 and "self mark for death" 1 will fix it.
Make final giants come sooner, increase maxative to 4
last 2 subwaves don't really push much

Remove engis, the stream spawns with them make it nearly impossible to take out the nest if it sets up at all.
The subwave with the buffs and deflector heavies is stream spawn hell, make them come in larger groups, but at a slower interval.
Give shield meds lvl 1 shield

grapid subwave starts too early is a huge difficulty spike, the easiest solution to nerf it is to just remove the super scouts or just tone down everything in general
The subwave with just heavies is weak, remove/rework it
(02-13-2022, 11:50 PM)Package O' Lies Wrote: Judges Present: PDA Expert, Seelpit, Package O' Lies, Eyes

Demo: https://us-testing.moonlight.tf:27107/de...35.dem.zip

No strike (however  2/4 judges voted strike)

All waves: make spies come less often.

make the giant charged soldiers not come out of top spawn
The subwave with the bowmen, crit pyros, and dragon's furies was underwhelming
last giants have health drain, "mod_maxhealth_drain_rate" 0 and "self mark for death" 1 will fix it.
Make final giants come sooner, increase maxative to 4
last 2 subwaves don't really push much

Remove engis, the stream spawns with them make it nearly impossible to take out the nest if it sets up at all.
The subwave with the buffs and deflector heavies is stream spawn hell, make them come in larger groups, but at a slower interval.
Give shield meds lvl 1 shield

grapid subwave starts too early is a huge difficulty spike, the easiest solution to nerf it is to just remove the super scouts or just tone down everything in general
The subwave with just heavies is weak, remove/rework it

Changes I've made:

General: Spaced out spy spawns some more.

Wave 1:
-Fixed the minor issues of wave 1.

Wave 2:
-Redid the entire layout of wave 2.

Wave 3:
-Redid the entire layout of wave 3.

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.pop   mvm_tensai_rc3_adv_wasabi_warzone.pop (Size: 32.5 KB / Downloads: 20)
Retrowave Tensai - STRIKE 2.

Crosse - Scout
Hellblade - Pyro (juj)
Mo - Spy         (juj)
A+drew - Engie  (juj)
FaNScout - Soldier

Demo: https://us-testing.moonlight.tf:27107/de...78.dem.zip

Note: For upcoming Endurance Missions, 3waves/1 waves. PLEASE INCLUDE A GUIDE TO FOLLOW FOR SUBWAVES
Note 2: A,B,C Subwave names do not have any relationship with the actual names of wave spawns in the moonlight testing. Due to Note 1, I have to try to attempt to make out subwaves apart. Please put in the effort if you want quality feedback only if Hellblade if writing -Hellblade
Note 3: this first part is version 6 cos Retro didn't update version 7 properly and also A+Drew didn't wait and just went "That's his problem"

Version 6 -w-, not my problem. A+Drew had some problems uploading it and decided not to go with Mo's mission first while waiting on Retro

Wave 1:
A: Demoknights can be annoying to classes like pyro
B: Pacing is inconsistent and slow (FIXED) , pyros are WAY Too deadly.
C: Giant Heavy came too late (FIXED)
D: Demos and Soldiers were rather ineffective (FIXED)

funny change: make the head scale bigger for the banana buster

Wave 2:
A: Crit + Bleed does not achieve anything. Giant stopper scouts also did nothing
B: Randomchoice flares that achieve nothing
C: Barrages were extremely slow in spawning (FIXED)
D: Tank + Gscouts were great

F: Tomislav spam
G: Slowest pacing forever (FIXED)

Team comp changed to
FaN Scout - 
Mo - Spy -> Soldier when wave 1 failed once.
* SNTR GET THE BEGGARS *  -Hydrogen Probably 

Version 7
(issues in 6 that are still present are major concerns)

Wave 1:
A: Scouts are sub-giant for no reason. Charged soldier with slow shots do not relaly have synergy with melee only scouts I'd say make the giant slightly stronger while reverting the bat scouts to normal.

B: Dragon furys immediately starts the moment commons are dead from wave 1.
Buff banner, Alwaysfire pyros, DF pyros and huntsman. All 3 damage types at once
Regular pyros do not need to be AlwaysFire.
The Banner soldiers could be too deadly for weaker players.
Demoman from subwave C spawn too early.

The heavy was executed relatively well.

C: Subwave was underwhelming, doesn't provide much of a threat/excitement
Also had some stragglers.

Alot of subgiants such as Sub-giant Scouts, Rapidfire Bowman, Gauntlets,

funny change: make the head scale bigger for the banana buster

Wave 2:
A: Bleeding Crit Bowman don't make any sense since the Crit already is their main aspect. ShortStop Scouts don't accomplish much in this wave (for some reason)
Theres probably something about the Giant Dragon Fury Pyros but no one pointed anything out.
B: Colonel barrage subwave was pretty meh.
I think it would be better if each squad had it's own banner instead of all of them getting all 3.

C: Tank + Scouts were a relatively good subwave

D: Crit Grenade Spam, Heavy doesn't need tomislav and glasses (optional because during judging we had difficulties trying to identifiy it was hard or normal), burst giant with burst support.

E: Conch Crit, a fine wave but it wasn't really fun.

WAve 3:
a: Giant demo spam worked but I wish it wasn't just 1 solely rapidfire Demos

b: RNG pyros that achieve nothing. Heavies spawn too slowly from each other

c: Very boring, bonk scouts don't spawn in quantities or fast enough to be a threat.

*CROSSE CRASHED* - Mo went full tryhard and saved the day.

D: Overkill of a finale, G. HoK crit deflector, Colonel barrage, Medics on even more Deflector commons.
Deflectors should only be used if a giant is on its own as a "Self-defense" measure. Having too many of them removes the point of it and also makes it painful to play projectile classes.

I can literally rewrite this subwave to show u how it can be done in a better way:
2 Crit Colonel Barrage with Quick-Uber Giant Medic at 10s intervals once Regular Heavy Commons
10s in-between
2 Giant Heavy with Kritz Giant Medic at 15s intervals with Soldier Commons

Remove the Useless Super Scout common at the end.

Spy and Sniper every wave.
Both have 40-second cooldown and getting really annoying since these are rather long waves since the initial cooldown doesn't really do itself any justice when waves are 5-6 minutes long.

There's no variation of them either, its just Spy and Sniper at the Same initial Cooldown

Mo: "The definition of a superbuff"
A+drew "Easy strike"
Hel: "Strike, many issues from previous tests/versions even from the previous version we just tested."
FaN Scout: "Strike" even though he is not a judge.

This is your pretty much your last chance to improve this mission. I really sincerely suggest that you fix the most critical issues listed here:

Wave 1:
Subwave 2 being a bit too deadly for weaker teams with demos coming out too early
Subwave 3, not really an interesting wave due to a lack of threat and the giant being a damage sponge

Wave 2:
Subwave 1: Bleeding Crit Bowman with useless G scouts (REPEAT FROM VERSION 6)
Subwave 4: Crit spam, Tomislavs and burst demos (REPEAT FROM VERSION 6)

Wave 3:
Subwave 2: G heavies spawned too slowly
Subwave 3: Bonk scouts didn't do much
Subwave 4: Way too much overkill for a finale. I even gave my own interpretation for it.

The Scouts from Wave 2 and 3 were relatively useless since they were solely for bomb carrying
Spy and Sniper support are extremely lazily implemented and way too fast.

You're lucky you got me as a writer because some other people don't put this much effort into feedback. Focus on these issues and I believe you can actually pass this.
(02-19-2022, 10:01 AM)Hellblade Wrote: Retrowave Tensai - STRIKE 2.

Crosse - Scout
Hellblade - Pyro (juj)
Mo - Spy         (juj)
A+drew - Engie  (juj)
FaNScout - Soldier

Demo: https://us-testing.moonlight.tf:27107/de...78.dem.zip

Note: For upcoming Endurance Missions, 3waves/1 waves. PLEASE INCLUDE A GUIDE TO FOLLOW FOR SUBWAVES
Note 2: A,B,C Subwave names do not have any relationship with the actual names of wave spawns in the moonlight testing. Due to Note 1, I have to try to attempt to make out subwaves apart. Please put in the effort if you want quality feedback only if Hellblade if writing -Hellblade
Note 3: this first part is version 6 cos Retro didn't update version 7 properly and also A+Drew didn't wait and just went "That's his problem"

Version 6 -w-, not my problem. A+Drew had some problems uploading it and decided not to go with Mo's mission first while waiting on Retro

Wave 1:
A: Demoknights can be annoying to classes like pyro
B: Pacing is inconsistent and slow (FIXED) , pyros are WAY Too deadly.
C: Giant Heavy came too late (FIXED)
D: Demos and Soldiers were rather ineffective (FIXED)

funny change: make the head scale bigger for the banana buster

Wave 2:
A: Crit + Bleed does not achieve anything. Giant stopper scouts also did nothing
B: Randomchoice flares that achieve nothing
C: Barrages were extremely slow in spawning (FIXED)
D: Tank + Gscouts were great

F: Tomislav spam
G: Slowest pacing forever (FIXED)

Team comp changed to
FaN Scout - 
Mo - Spy -> Soldier when wave 1 failed once.
* SNTR GET THE BEGGARS *  -Hydrogen Probably 

Version 7
(issues in 6 that are still present are major concerns)

Wave 1:
A: Scouts are sub-giant for no reason. Charged soldier with slow shots do not relaly have synergy with melee only scouts I'd say make the giant slightly stronger while reverting the bat scouts to normal.

B: Dragon furys immediately starts the moment commons are dead from wave 1.
Buff banner, Alwaysfire pyros, DF pyros and huntsman. All 3 damage types at once
Regular pyros do not need to be AlwaysFire.
The Banner soldiers could be too deadly for weaker players.
Demoman from subwave C spawn too early.

The heavy was executed relatively well.

C: Subwave was underwhelming, doesn't provide much of a threat/excitement
Also had some stragglers.

Alot of subgiants such as Sub-giant Scouts, Rapidfire Bowman, Gauntlets,

funny change: make the head scale bigger for the banana buster

Wave 2:
A: Bleeding Crit Bowman don't make any sense since the Crit already is their main aspect. ShortStop Scouts don't accomplish much in this wave (for some reason)
Theres probably something about the Giant Dragon Fury Pyros but no one pointed anything out.
B: Colonel barrage subwave was pretty meh.
I think it would be better if each squad had it's own banner instead of all of them getting all 3.

C: Tank + Scouts were a relatively good subwave

D: Crit Grenade Spam, Heavy doesn't need tomislav and glasses (optional because during judging we had difficulties trying to identifiy it was hard or normal), burst giant with burst support.

E: Conch Crit, a fine wave but it wasn't really fun.

WAve 3:
a: Giant demo spam worked but I wish it wasn't just 1 solely rapidfire Demos

b: RNG pyros that achieve nothing. Heavies spawn too slowly from each other

c: Very boring, bonk scouts don't spawn in quantities or fast enough to be a threat.

*CROSSE CRASHED* - Mo went full tryhard and saved the day.

D: Overkill of a finale, G. HoK crit deflector, Colonel barrage, Medics on even more Deflector commons.
Deflectors should only be used if a giant is on its own as a "Self-defense" measure. Having too many of them removes the point of it and also makes it painful to play projectile classes.

I can literally rewrite this subwave to show u how it can be done in a better way:
2 Crit Colonel Barrage with Quick-Uber Giant Medic at 10s intervals once Regular Heavy Commons
10s in-between
2 Giant Heavy with Kritz Giant Medic at 15s intervals with Soldier Commons

Remove the Useless Super Scout common at the end.

Spy and Sniper every wave.
Both have 40-second cooldown and getting really annoying since these are rather long waves since the initial cooldown doesn't really do itself any justice when waves are 5-6 minutes long.

There's no variation of them either, its just Spy and Sniper at the Same initial Cooldown

Mo: "The definition of a superbuff"
A+drew "Easy strike"
Hel: "Strike, many issues from previous tests/versions even from the previous version we just tested."
FaN Scout: "Strike" even though he is not a judge.

This is your pretty much your last chance to improve this mission. I really sincerely suggest that you fix the most critical issues listed here:

Wave 1:
Subwave 2 being a bit too deadly for weaker teams with demos coming out too early
Subwave 3, not really an interesting wave due to a lack of threat and the giant being a damage sponge

Wave 2:
Subwave 1: Bleeding Crit Bowman with useless G scouts (REPEAT FROM VERSION 6)
Subwave 4: Crit spam, Tomislavs and burst demos (REPEAT FROM VERSION 6)

Wave 3:
Subwave 2: G heavies spawned too slowly
Subwave 3: Bonk scouts didn't do much
Subwave 4: Way too much overkill for a finale. I even gave my own interpretation for it.

The Scouts from Wave 2 and 3 were relatively useless since they were solely for bomb carrying
Spy and Sniper support are extremely lazily implemented and way too fast.

You're lucky you got me as a writer because some other people don't put this much effort into feedback. Focus on these issues and I believe you can actually pass this.
Changes I've made:

-Removed scout supports on waves 2 & 3.
-Spy bots now have an initital cooldown of 90 secs with 60 second cool down.
-Snipers have 120 secs initial cooldown and have 60 second cool down time.
-Changed Head size of the sentry buster for the funny.

Wave 1:
-turned mini giant sandmen into regular sandmen.
-increased total amount of sandman scouts to 15->25.
-increased total amount of demoknights from 25->35.
-Turned giant charged soldiers into giant burst soldiers.
-made df pyros not spawn instantly once first subwave is over.
-removed buff banner soldiers.
-removed alwaysfire pyros and replaced them with bigheal meds.
-made lnl demos spawn with the last subwave.
-soldiers cut down from 16->10.
-replaced giant bread heavies with giant crit pyros and increased amount from 2->4.
-added bonk scout support for the end of the wave.
-changed up spawn times for the last subwave so it wouldn't be too "spammy".
-cut down gauntlets from 5-> 3.

Wave 2:
-replaced giant shortstops with giant shotgun heavies.
-removed crits off bleeding bowmen.
-made each colonel have a different banner for each.
-made mini crit burst demos into regular demos.
-replaced tomislav heavies with just a bunch of regular heavies.
-replaced crit giant conch soldiers at the end with crit giant burst soldiers.
-Since removal of the scout supports during the final subwave, I've added an extra 2 smg snipers to help support better from 4 -> 6.

Wave 3:
-Made giant rapid fires spawn in 1s instead of 2s.
-Gave giant rapid fire demo section some df pyros for support.
-replaced rng pyro section with more df pyros.
-made the giant heater deflector & giant medic section spawn faster.
-shortened time between bonk scout spawns 7.5 secs-> 2.5 secs & added an extra 2 giant bonk scouts.
-removed crit hok deflectors+med combos at the end.
-replaced mini deflector+big heals with just a bunch of regular heavies.
-increased amount of barrage + regen med combos at the end and changed spawn times for balancing.
-nerfed tank hp to 50k->45k

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