[MISSION] Rottenburg - Windy Windup

27 Replies, 7444 Views
Mission name: Windy Windup
Map: mvm_humbridge_b8
Difficulty: Advanced

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.pop   mvm_humbridge_b8_adv_Windy_Windup.pop (Size: 24.7 KB / Downloads: 197)
(This post was last modified: 01-10-2024, 08:13 PM by M1.)
Updated wave 6 to use the new spawnbot_tank spawn location for the first giant kritz pocket. Also slightly tweaked pacing

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.pop   mvm_humbridge_b8_adv_windy_windup_judge.pop (Size: 24.63 KB / Downloads: 175)
Small update:

Wave 3:

- Changed maxactive of giant shotgun heavies to 2 from 4.
- Removed Sniper mission support

Wave 5:

- Gave Direct Hit soldiers Hard AI


Humbridge has broken nav that can result in the gpairs on wave 6 stacking together. For some reason when the bomb gets pushed under the bridge and a robot is actively carrying it, bots will path towards the other bombpath until it is dropped, when they will turn around and return to the original bombpath. This causes unintentional giant stacking that affects the overall fairness of the wave. I do not know enough about nav meshes to provide a fix for this, but it would probably be necessary to patch the nav for this mission to have a fair judging cycle.

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.pop   mvm_humbridge_b8_adv_windy_windup_judge.pop (Size: 24.46 KB / Downloads: 183)
Another small patch:

W2: Burstfire soldiers, conch soldiers, and support scouts now wait for the previous subwave to die instead of being a waitforallspawned

W6: Removed Sniper mission support

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.pop   mvm_humbridge_b8_adv_windy_windup_judge.pop (Size: 24.08 KB / Downloads: 162)
Judges present: None

Demo file: https://eu-testing.moonlight.tf:27107/de...06.dem.zip

Wave 1: Wave bar is slightly broken by about 2%; pacing of bots is a bit awkward with moments of quietness. More substance (bots) might be warranted. Could add a tank or spy support.
Wave 3: Engineer needs Attributes IgnoreFlag. It picked up the bomb and held it at the nest during our second attempt of the wave. Last giant crit takes a bit too long to spawn (double-check to confirm).
Wave 4: Engineer spawns need a cooldown.
Wave 5: Direct hit soldiers should use the direct hit icon.
Wave 6: Broken wave bar needs fixing.

Why are there no tanks in this mission? A tank or two may be warranted on some waves (like wave 1) for extra spice and to reduce the influence of classes like sniper and heavy.
- Fixed tanks not appearing on waves one and six. Oops!

- All Engineers now have Attributes IgnoreFlag (lol)

W2: Slightly tweaked pacing again.

W3: Common soldiers now spawn in groups of 4 rather than streaming in

W4: Slightly tweaked engineer spawn block

W5: Direct hit soldiers now use correct icon

EDIT: The file uploaded here is incorrect, the up-to-date popfile is on the moonlight testing servers.

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.pop   mvm_humbridge_b8_adv_windy_windup_judge.pop (Size: 24.15 KB / Downloads: 180)
(This post was last modified: 07-06-2023, 03:14 PM by Conjo.)
Demo file: https://eu-testing.moonlight.tf:27107/de...07.dem.zip

Wave time summary:
Total wave time breakdown for: mvm_humbridge_b8_adv_windy_windup_judge
[Failure] Time spent on Wave 1: 1 min 59 sec
[Victory] Time spent on Wave 1: 4 min 1 sec
[Victory] Time spent on Wave 2: 4 min 18 sec
[Victory] Time spent on Wave 3: 4 min 55 sec
[Failure] Time spent on Wave 4: 2 min 28 sec
[Victory] Time spent on Wave 4: 3 min 21 sec
[Victory] Time spent on Wave 5: 4 min 29 sec
[Failure] Time spent on Wave 6: 3 min 50 sec
[Failure] Time spent on Wave 6: 4 min 4 sec
[Victory] Time spent on Wave 6: 6 min 39 sec
Total success time in mission: 27 min 43 sec (69%)
Total time spent in mission: 40 min 4 sec

- Update the map to the latest version (which is b9c?)
- Tone down the crits a bit; every single wave had crits
- Wave 2: The wave should start with something benign to push the bomb to the middle of the map before the giant buffs and heavies come.
(This post was last modified: 08-19-2023, 08:05 PM by Pineapple Medals Bot.)
Updated to new map

Small tweaks made:


Giant Scout MaxActive 3  => 2


The 8 common Heavies at the start of the wave have been exchanged for 4 Shortstop Scouts.


Removed crits on support scouts and heavies, changed heavies to Hard AI.

Attached Files
.pop   mvm_humbridge_b9c_adv_windy_windup_judge.pop (Size: 24.09 KB / Downloads: 153)
(This post was last modified: 09-01-2023, 07:18 PM by Conjo.)
Hi, we judged the most recent version of your mission.

Verdict: NO STRIKE
Judges present: Egg, PDA Expert, Randomguy, Floro
Demo link: https://us-testing.moonlight.tf:27107/de...02.dem.zip

Mission is in an okay state, it just needs a few tweaks to get through judging.

You can give multiple wavespawns the same name so as to have a waitforallspawned / dead wait for all of them. You'd probably want to use that syntax for subwaves like these, as your choice of syntax does not work as intended for subwaves like the one below.

Name pyrorush_w3
WaitForAllDead g_blackbox_soldiersA_w3
WaitForAllDead g_blackbox_soldiersB_w3
WaitForAllDead gauntlet_heavy_groupsA_w3
WaitForAllDead gauntlet_heavy_groupsB_w3

Wave 2:
Change the dependency on the final giant heavy + medic squad to waitforallspawned, rather than waitforalldead. They took way too long to spawn in.

Wave 4:
Increase the waitbetweenspawns on the final giant heavies to at least 16 - support scouts need a total count to have their money count properly distributed.

Wave 6:
The deflector should only have one gmed, other gmed duos should have a longer wait between them.
Made the changes specified in the judging reply;

W2: Med + Heavy GPair WaitBeforeStarting 7 => 18, now uses waitforallspawned rather than waitforalldead

W3: Fixed funky formatting on multi-waitforalldead

W4: WaitBetweenSpawns for giant heavies 8 => 15 :troll:

W6: Increased delays on all giant kritz pairs, removed one kritz medic from the deflector heavy.

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.pop   mvm_humbridge_b10_adv_windy_windup_judge.pop (Size: 23.79 KB / Downloads: 144)

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