[MISSION] Cyberia - Snowblitz

10 Replies, 9088 Views
Mission Name: Snowblitz
Map: Cyberia
Difficulty: Advanced
Current Version: v2

Mission by: A+drew
Map by: dexc34

Attached Files
.pop   mvm_cyberia_rc6a_adv_snowblitz.pop (Size: 38.65 KB / Downloads: 26)
V2 Change Logs


reduced the amount of heavies and made it 2 pairs per maxactive with a uber medic
added engineer bots
increased maxactive on kgb gauntlets to 12 instead of 8

reduced the maxactive of soldier support to 6 instead of 8
added engineer bots

increase the amount of giant df pyros to 6 instead of 4
made them spawn before 2nd tank
removed crits on bat scouts

added some squad uber medics on giant soldiers
added some squad deflector heavies on giant buff banner soldiers
added engineer bots

nerfed 2nd tanks hp to 25k instead of 30k
replace the kritz medics with another quick uber

replaced bigheals with quick ubers on gheavies
replaced barrage soldiers with bigrock soldiers

Demo : https://us-testing.moonlight.tf:27107/de...59.dem.zip

Judges present - Myself, Hellblade, Package O Lies

Class comp : Spy, Demo, Scout, Engineer, and Soldier

Mission overall felt pretty nice, but it's not ready for a pass unfortunately. 

No strike


 - Increase WaitBeforeStarting for Engineer bots. Their presence the second the bomb gets moved an inch is incredibly annoying, and is the major reason as to why we do get pushed in the first place in one way or another. It also doesn't help that the map decides to put them either all the way in the back or in the front (primarily the upper left part but also near the main spawn)

Wave 3 

- Wave felt really short overall as opposed to the first 2 waves (both almost 3 minutes respectively), a small bit of longevity for it should be okay enough

Wave 4

- The MaxActive for the giant soldier sets felt a little straggled given that the next set never spawned until they finished dying.

Wave 6

- Change the bomb from flank to main spawn
- Optional, but remove the red bisons
[Image: yjlNbE5.jpeg]
(This post was last modified: 02-10-2022, 07:52 AM by Mo.)
V3 Snowblitz


Change Logs

General: Change the engineers InitialCooldown to 60 and CooldownTime to 50

changed the pathings for bat scouts to spawnbot_secondary instead of invasion because funny bomb flank
added an extra subwave, 2 giant burst fire soldiers+2 giant regen medics
made the first tank spawn 5 second earlier

made the giant soldier squad maxactive 2 instead of 1

made the first few bots spawn in spawnbot_secondary because funny flank bomb moment Smile

Demo: https://us-testing.moonlight.tf:27107/de...45.dem.zip

Judges Present: DaMeister, Package O' Lies, PDA Expert, Eyes

Class Comp: Soldier, Demo, Scout, Sniper, Engineer

Mission overall is pretty much passable, just needs one small change

Pass with Changes

Wave 3:
- Change Scout AI to be Normal instead of Hard.
V4 Snowblitz


Wave 4 not 3

Change Logs

Changed scouts ai to normal skill instead of hard
Judges in attendance: M1, Poet, Erikku, randomguy
Demo link: https://us-testing.moonlight.tf:27107/de...45.dem.zip

Wave 1
-The heavies are too strong, and deny too much space in an already relatively difficult subwave. Try lowering their skill to easy.

Wave 2
-The SMG snipers are also too strong and act as no-wind-up heavies. Again, their skill should be lowered to easy.

Wave 4
-The deflector heavies should be hard skill to remain consistent with valve's "template".

Wave 5
-The two final rapid demos are stragglers and should either be better supported or removed.

Wave 6
-The wave ended with two straggler super scouts. Try retiming the bots to end it with the tank.
V5 Snowblitz


Change Logs

Wave 1
made heavy skill ai easy instead of normal

Wave 2
made smg snipers skill ai to easy instead of normal

Wave 4
made deflector heavies hard ai

Wave 5
removed 2 giant rapid fire demos because s t r a g g l e r s

Wave 6
removed 2 super scouts, increased waitbeforspawning on tank to 20 so it spawns with the burst fires
Judges in attendance: M1, randomguy, Erikku, Package
Demo link: https://us-testing.moonlight.tf:27107/de...10.dem.zip

Wave 1
-The wave needs a little bit more mission support (my suggestion: spies)

Wave 2
-The final subwave giant heavy should have weaker supports, like scouts or smg snipers

Wave 6
-Red bison projectiles can be confused for friendly projectiles and should be removed from the randomchoice pool

This mission will be featured in the next event, congratulations!
VFinal Snowblitz

Change Logs

added spy support

replaced soldier support with scout support easy skill ai

removed red bison color on the bison soldiers

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