[mission] Oxidize - Grass Run

12 Replies, 4440 Views
Mission: Grass Run
Map: Oxidize (RR18)
Difficulty: Adv

Me for the mission
asd417 for the map

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.pop   mvm_oxidize_rr18_adv_grass_run.pop (Size: 20.01 KB / Downloads: 192)
Demo file: https://eu-testing.moonlight.tf:27107/de...52.dem.zip

- Putting all the starting money on the first giant demoman on wave 1 isn't a "cool gimmick", this isn't memes
- A giant scout bumrush equal to the wave number at the end of every wave is also not interesting, a massive yawn that is cleared out by a crit canteen that becomes tedious and entirely predictable (also this "joke" has already been done before in a previous nox mission)
- Remove spies from half the waves, not every wave needs spy support
- Money payout should be increased slightly; this mission pays worse than mannworks expert does
(This post was last modified: 05-08-2023, 12:25 AM by M1.)
-fixed the mission's wave dependences 
-reworked the last wave

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.pop   mvm_oxidize_rr18_adv_grass_run.pop (Size: 19.39 KB / Downloads: 194)
(05-03-2023, 08:13 PM)Pineapple Medals Bot Wrote: Demo file: https://eu-testing.moonlight.tf:27107/de...52.dem.zip

- Putting all the starting money on the first giant demoman on wave 1 isn't a "cool gimmick", this isn't memes
- A giant scout bumrush equal to the wave number at the end of every wave is also not interesting, a massive yawn that is cleared out by a crit canteen that becomes tedious and entirely predictable (also this "joke" has already been done before in a previous nox mission)
- Remove spies from half the waves, not every wave needs spy support
- Money payout should be increased slightly; this mission pays worse than mannworks expert does

Do the judges really have to be so cold with some of these responses? Not trying to tell you all how to do your jobs or anything, but what's with that condescending bit about the creator's supposed attempt to be "cool"?
The feedback you’re referring to is not someone from the judge team. However, I do agree that the condescending jabs at the mission are unnecessary.
Hi, we judged the most up to date version of your mission.

Judges present: Egg, Randomguy, Frahtcy, Floro
Demo link: https://us-testing.moonlight.tf:27107/de...63.dem.zip

Mission is in a okay state, it just needs a few tweaks here and there; see specific wave feedback. Your final wave needs a lot more substance.

Wave 1:
On the easier side of things, the steel gauntlet squads straggle

Wave 3:
The rapid pyros are gay, overpowered and probably ruined tf2 forever (fix the giant flare pyros, they are broken; they shoot so fast that they deplete their entire supply of flares before it regenerates).

Wave 6:
Very bland, it was just a tank with robots you can easily ignore at that cash level. Either add more tanks or stronger / piercing / knockback robots.
(This post was last modified: 12-09-2023, 10:28 PM by "I have emails" -David Starkey.)
-fixed stragglers

-rapid flares are now aids free

-now more a interesting wave

Attached Files
.pop   mvm_oxidize_rr18_adv_grass_run.pop (Size: 20.56 KB / Downloads: 148)
Hi, we judged your mission.

Verdict: NO STRIKE
Demo link: soon (ask me)
Judges present: Egg, Pasta, Floro

Mission is still in an okay state, we spotted a few difficulty spikes you may want to iron out, notably on wave 4.

Wave 1:
Remove the waitbeforestarting on the super scout

Wave 4:
The commons are throwing a lot at once. Consider toning down the AI level of your hitscan bots (scouts & heavies). A few pacing issues probably related to waitforalldead needing to be turned into waitforallspawned.
-no more waiting for the super

-the support limited is now dumber in skill

Attached Files
.pop   mvm_oxidize_rr18_adv_grass_run.pop (Size: 20.56 KB / Downloads: 147)
Hi, we judged your mission.

Judges present: Mike, Pasta, Frahtcy, Floro
Demo Link https://us-testing.moonlight.tf:27107/de...11.dem.zip

Good mission, good work.

Wave 1: Heavies straggle, adjust total count.

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