[MISSION] Nox - Programmed Plains

16 Replies, 8386 Views
Mission name: Programmed Plains
Map: Nox
Difficulty: Advanced
Mission type: Invasion (6 waves)
Current Version: Version 6.1

Retrowave(Myself): for making the mission & the waves.
JMP/Laser Ace for making the map.
Potato mvm & Moonlight communities for the custom icons.

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.pop   mvm_nox_b5_adv_programmed_plains.pop (Size: 48.76 KB / Downloads: 12)
(This post was last modified: 05-09-2023, 06:52 AM by Retrowave.)
(04-26-2023, 03:43 PM)Retrowave Wrote: Mission name: Programmed Plains
Map: Nox
Difficulty: Advanced
Mission type: Invasion (6 waves)
Current Version: Version 1.1

Retrowave(Myself): for making the mission & the waves.
JMP/Laser Ace for making the map.
Potato mvm & Moonlight communities for the custom icons.
Changes I've made:

Gave Default Spies (assassin's creed themed) and Default Snipers (counter strike themed) some drip (because it goes hard af)

Wave 3:
-Increased waitbetween spawns for gburst demo + med combos by 10 seconds.
-Increased waitbetween spawns for gscouts by 10 seconds.
-Replaced overhealer meds with just big heal meds.

Attached Files
.pop   mvm_nox_b5_adv_programmed_plains.pop (Size: 48.76 KB / Downloads: 12)
Forgot to put these

My test restrictions:
-Run without medic shield at least once.
-Run without heavy at least once.
-Run with out sniper and/or spy at least once.
Changes I've made:

Wave 1:
-Made final subwave gsoldier + quick med combos waitforallspawn, and decreased their wait between from 16->10.
-Added more support bat scouts during final subwave.

Wave 2:
-Increased waitbefore starting on the tank from 12->25 seconds.
-Also replaced capper scout icon with pistol because that's basically what they are (plus package got pissed over that detail, lol).

Wave 3:
-Nerfed each tank by 1k.
-Removed one trio of gburst demo + big heal meds to lower difficulty and dragging.

Wave 4:
-Replaced black box soldiers with direct hit soldiers :ujel:

Wave 6:
-Made deflector+gregen meds & bison support spawn with final tank.
-Lowered deflector+gregen med combo waitbeforespawning from 8->4.
-Removed one crit gburst soldier + med squad to reduce spam & fix pacing.
Forgor Confusedkull:

Changes I've made:

Wave 6:
-Made both tanks go opposite of bomb path.
No Strike

Demo: https://us-testing.moonlight.tf:27107/de...13.dem.zip

Judges: DaMeister, Skin King, Quantum Apple, eyes

Team comp: DaMeister (Heavy), Skin King (Demoman), Quantum Apple (Engineer), eyes (Scout)

Wave 1:
- Move pyros into support limited.

Wave 2:
- Spawn the Giant Demos earlier and speed up their spawns.

Wave 3:
- Give the Giant Scouts a Non-flanking tag.

Wave 5:
- Replace the Steel Manlets with Steel Gauntlets, reduce their totalcount, maxactive and spawncount and add in more scouts due to there then being more room.
(This post was last modified: 05-02-2023, 11:39 PM by DaMeister.)
Changes I've made:

Wave 1:
-Made pyros support limited.

Wave 2:
-Made final subwave grapid demos + big heal med combos waitbeforestarting 2, and decreased their wait between from 16->10.
-Lowered waitbeforespawn on tank from 25->20.

Wave 3:
-Gave gscouts tag "default" (so they won't take any flank routes).

Wave 5:
-Made steel manlets into steel gauntlets and changes their spawnings and total count.
-Added like 7 extra scouts.
-Added spies (to prevent heavy funnies).

Wave 6:
Removed yet another squad of crit gburst soldiers + meds to fix slight pacing issue.
Judges Present: M1, Force, PDA, Skin
Demo Link: https://us-testing.moonlight.tf:27107/de...08.dem.zip

Wave 1:
-Make the GRUs support limited.

Wave 2:
-The first and last subwaves were weak and need a buff.

Wave 5:
-Make the airblast pyros and heavies support limited.
-The last subwave needs to be toned down.

Wave 6:
-The last subwave needs to be toned down. I'd recommend making the final tank have less HP and spawn later.

-The mission overuses the middle spawn (spawnbot_giant). The giants can go in more places than just that. Try mixing up the spawns.
Changes I've made:

-Gave every giant a non-flank tag.

Wave 1:
-Made gru punchies support limited.
-Changed spawn of gsoldier + med trio to be "spawnbot_adjacent"

Wave 2:
-Changed spawn of gsandman to spawn from the "spawnbot_left"
-Changed pistol scouts into default easy ai scouts.
-Made final subwave grapid demos have quick uber meds (3 of them).

Wave 3:
-No Changes.

Wave 4:
-Changed spawn of gburstsoldier + med combo to be "spawnbot_left"
-Changed spawn of grapidsoldier + med combo to be "spawnbot_right"
-Gave heavies + big heal meds + buff soldier squad a wbstarting of "10" (to avoid stacking).
-Gave final subwave some bonk scout support to give it a slight buff.

Wave 5:
-Removed 4 steel gauntlets to fix pacing issues.
-Made airblast pyros support limited.
-Made heavies support limited.
-Changed spawn of heavy + med combo to be "spawnbot_opposite"
-Changed spawn of colonel + med combo to be "spawnbot_all"

Wave 6:
-Changed spawn of gairblast pyro + med combos to be "spawnbot_left" or "spawnbot_right"
-Changed spawn of crit gburstsoldier + med combo to be "spawnbot_opposite"
-Gave tank an extra 10 seconds before it comes out & a 5k hp nerf.
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