[MISSION] Steep - Catastrophic Carnage

16 Replies, 7502 Views
Mission name: Catastrophic Carnage
Map: mvm_steep_rc3a
Difficulty: Expert

The difficulty is either easy expert or hard advanced, not sure. It is named expert for now however.

Hyperion - making the mission
Random people making some icons

Attached Files
.pop   mvm_steep_rc3a_exp_catastrophic_carnage_v10.pop (Size: 35.03 KB / Downloads: 205)
.zip   all_files.zip (Size: 21.48 KB / Downloads: 123)
‏‏And that's the way the news goes!
(This post was last modified: 03-26-2023, 05:31 PM by Hyperion.)
V10 is the first version here, developed elsewhere a long time ago.
‏‏And that's the way the news goes!
Demo Link : https://us-testing.moonlight.tf:27107/de...20.dem.zip

No Strike

Judges Present :

PDA Expert
Package O' Lies

Class Comp. :

Scout (PDA Expert)
Demoman (Damno)
Pyro (oddschool)
Heavy (DaMeister)
Engineer (Package O' Lies)

General :

Deflector Heavies didn't have their hats, please hide their baldspot with their signature hat while also appropriatly naming them.

Wave 1 :
Make half of the Bonk scouts have scatterguns, currently as is the first subwave does nothing against sniper or anything of that sort due to the lack of ranged bots.

Wave 2 :
Remove the Battalions Backup (either the soldier itself or just the banner, likely the latter.)
Pyro support can airblast, disable its ability to airblast so it isn't torture.

Wave 3 :
This is brought to you by the chat log :
Quote:Package O' Lies : half the totalcount and maxactive of dh and double waitbetween
Package O' Lies : armored med sub has like 2 things in it and is super weak
Package O' Lies : armored umeds don't make up for it
Package O' Lies : it's waitbetween 10 on the crit sandmans, maxactive 8
Package O' Lies : needs a buff later on
check demo for more information cuz tbf i have no idea what he means by "needs a buff later on" either, maybe it was an unrelated snippet.

Wave 4 :
At the very least remove the crits from the natascha support, they're painful enough as is.
Give the Rapid-Fire Bowmen the sniper_bow_multi icon

Wave 6 :

Replace broken Giant HOK Heavies with regular Giant Heavies (Or G Deflectors), HOK heavies would prove too much of an issue with their power level already.
Tank HP is overwhelming, lower it to 40k at first, then see with tests if it needs anymore nerfs.

Wave 7 :
Give the boss a proper icon, demo_bomber should suffice.

[Image: hay_block_side.png]            crimbo
(04-06-2023, 09:23 PM)PDA Expert Wrote: Demo Link : https://us-testing.moonlight.tf:27107/de...20.dem.zip

No Strike

Judges Present :

PDA Expert
Package O' Lies

Class Comp. :

Scout (PDA Expert)
Demoman (Damno)
Pyro (oddschool)
Heavy (DaMeister)
Engineer (Package O' Lies)

General :

Deflector Heavies didn't have their hats, please hide their baldspot with their signature hat while also appropriatly naming them.

Wave 1 :
Make half of the Bonk scouts have scatterguns, currently as is the first subwave does nothing against sniper or anything of that sort due to the lack of ranged bots.

Wave 2 :
Remove the Battalions Backup (either the soldier itself or just the banner, likely the latter.)
Pyro support can airblast, disable its ability to airblast so it isn't torture.

Wave 3 :
This is brought to you by the chat log :
Quote:Package O' Lies : half the totalcount and maxactive of dh and double waitbetween
Package O' Lies : armored med sub has like 2 things in it and is super weak
Package O' Lies : armored umeds don't make up for it
Package O' Lies : it's waitbetween 10 on the crit sandmans, maxactive 8
Package O' Lies : needs a buff later on
check demo for more information cuz tbf i have no idea what he means by "needs a buff later on" either, maybe it was an unrelated snippet.

Wave 4 :
At the very least remove the crits from the natascha support, they're painful enough as is.
Give the Rapid-Fire Bowmen the sniper_bow_multi icon

Wave 6 :

Replace broken Giant HOK Heavies with regular Giant Heavies (Or G Deflectors), HOK heavies would prove too much of an issue with their power level already.
Tank HP is overwhelming, lower it to 40k at first, then see with tests if it needs anymore nerfs.

Wave 7 :
Give the boss a proper icon, demo_bomber should suffice.
Did the mission feel more like advanced or expert? The small proposed nerfs would hint more to the direction of advanced.
‏‏And that's the way the news goes!
From this judge run generally speaking the mission felt like exp, most of these nerfs are usually so it doesn't go overboard on the expert part of the difficulty, like the natascha crit heavies in particular as they're support and I'm pretty sure have high ai.

[Image: hay_block_side.png]            crimbo

  • Fixed all names to uppercase
  • Renamed robots properly
  • Wave 1
    • Changed half of the Bonk Scouts to Scattergun
  • Wave 2
    • Changed Battaliions to Buff Banners (might become too hard)
    • Changed Giant Demos to RapidFire
    • Lowered Pyros difficulty to Normal
  • Wave 3
    • Added Medics to Demoknights to make them not complete walkover
    • Nerfed Direct Hit spawnrate and SpawnCount
    • Made proper Deflector Heavies and increased the TotalCount slightly
    • Added support for Giant Heavies
    • Increased cash by $100
  • Wave 4
    • Changed Huntsman Spammer icon to sniper_bow_multi
    • Removed crits from support Nataschas
    • Added Buff Banner support to help Heavies
    • Lowered Huntsmen squad TotalCount
  • Wave 5
    • Buffed tanks 18k -> 20k
    • Changed normal Heavies to Tomislavs
    • Lowered Melee Scout TotalCount to avoid hangs
    • Adjusted Sniper count
  • Wave 6
    • Nerfed HoK Heavies to heal just 1k
    • Lowered final tank health to 40k
    • Adjusted Sniper and Spy counts
  • Wave 7
    • Changed boss icon to demo_bomber
    • Increased boss health to 40k

There was hanging issues when team fell back near hatch and if it still happens I will add engineers.

Attached Files
.zip   icons.zip (Size: 23.77 KB / Downloads: 100)
.pop   mvm_steep_rc3a_exp_catastrophic_carnage_v11.pop (Size: 35.69 KB / Downloads: 189)
‏‏And that's the way the news goes!
(This post was last modified: 04-25-2023, 08:20 PM by Hyperion.)
No Strike

Team Line up:
Scout (eyes)
Soldier (Skin King)
Heavy (DaMeister)
Engineer (Cacodemon)
Spy (Quantum Apple)

Demo Link: https://us-testing.moonlight.tf:27105/de...70.dem.zip

- Some bots are missing the proper hats to indicate their function. This is mainly an issue with the deflector heavies missing The U-clank-a and airblast pyros missing the airblast icon and The Dead Cone.
- There are some unnecessarily squadded robots. This causes the faster robots to be unable to push due to being bound to slower bots while also making it more likely for them to get stuck at random spots

- An issue with this wave is that while the bots are very tanky, they don’t have a lot of fire power. In general, this wave should have the total bot hp lowered while increasing the general fire power.
- Replace half of the scouts with demos
- Fix the scout names to be capitalized or just use regular easy scouts
- Unsquad the giants, them being squadded causes them to have issues dropping down from the upper spawn. Their spawnrates can also be sped up to increase their pushing power.

- Give the pyros the airblast indications. See general feedback

- Give deflectors proper hat. See general feedback
- Remove the crits from the direct hits.
- Lower the deflector skill from expert -> hard
- Speed up the gheavy spawns slightly, due to the last one lagging behind

- The start and end of the wave revolves around slows and stuns. It just ends up not being very fun to play against. The wave should be reworked
- The scorch pyros and sun on a stick scouts are unnecessarily squadded. See general feedback.
- The middle sub was weak with only supers, spies, and occasional soldiers.
- The crit scorch shots, hard ai nataschas, and expert airblasting pyros all end up not being very fun to fight against.

- The commons on the first subwave are unnecessarily squadded. See general feedback.

- Broken hok template. Just use a regular gheavy or gdeflector template
- Last sub straggles, remove it and use infinite support to escort the tank.
- Spawn the tank earlier to allow it to more effectively follow up on the back to back gheavy + gmed combos

- Lower the vaccinator resists to 75%. Removing people’s ability to deal damage isn’t very fun to play against.
You guys played the wrong version, https://us-testing.moonlight.tf:27105/mi...rnage_v11/ is not what I uploaded in my comment.
‏‏And that's the way the news goes!
Judges Present: M1, PDA, Poet, Quantum, Meister
Demo Link: https://us-testing.moonlight.tf:27107/de...39.dem.zip

Wave 1:
-There was next to no firepower during this wave. See quantum's feedback.
-The giant squads made them stall for a while. See quantum's feedback.
-Remove the razorbacks on the snipers, they do nothing

Wave 2:
-The wave was extremely weak.
-The giant demos straggled for a long time after the commons had all died.

Wave 3:
-The direct hits don't need to be crit. See quantum's feedback.
-There was a very long period where we waited for a few burst demos to spawn. Put them in support limited.

Wave 4:
-The spy part did absolutely nothing. Remove it or integrate it further with the wave.
-Once the heavies spawned, they immediately stacked on top of one another and made an overly potent pushing force. Separate them slightly.
-The last heavy took ages to spawn in and move to the front.
-Many straggler huntsman and pyro squads.
-Replace the nataschas and scorch shots with bots that don't limit mobility as heavily, like heavies and flare pyros. See quantum's feedback.
-Remove squadding on the sun on a stick scouts and scorch shot pyros. See quantum's feedback.

Wave 5:
-Squadded commons again. See quantum's feedback.
-The battalion's soldiers were entirely unnecessary and only served to make pyro's life even more hell. Replace them with bannerless soldiers.

Wave 6:
-Broken deflector template. Do not use. See quantum's feedback.
-Unnecessary stat changes on many bots, like increased health. Remove these and balance around normal bots.
-The wave was not particularly lethal, and felt like it was just a bunch of health to chew through.

Wave 7:
-The vacc medics healed one another and were a pain to deal with. Make their resistance level 75% instead of 100%, and remove their healing bonus.
-The boss was not interesting at all, and once it pushed past the front, it was easy due to the medics needing to walk for a while to catch up to the boss.

-The mission was entirely unbalanced when it comes to how various classes are able to deal with it. As soldier, I was able to easily stomp the mission, whereas the pyro and scout on the team did literally nothing.
-The mission massively overused full duration uber medics, and it was not very interesting to simply wait 3 extra seconds on bots that aren't even able to kill you.
-A lot of bots have seemingly random AI levels placed on them. A good rule of thumb is to never use expert on commons, give hard AI on more powerful projectile commons and hitscan commons, give normal AI on fodder projectile commons and pusher hitscan commons, and easy AI on fodder hitscan commons.
(This post was last modified: 05-03-2023, 09:40 PM by M1.)
- Difficulty is now advanced after trying to make it harder failed catastrophically (how fitting)
- Added more money to reflect difficulty
- Slowed down some spam
- Removed most arbitrary bot difficulties
- Added more variety to giants
- Changed most uber medics to quick ubers and some into quickfixes
- Added Engineers to keep the pace more even (note that this map has engineer spot issues when the robots take the tunnel route)
- Added bomb reset timer to partially solve the issue above
- Vaccinators are now 90% to not completely block damage

Note: wave 4 tank can be removed if it feels like there's too many of them.

Attached Files
.pop   mvm_steep_rc3a_adv_catastrophic_carnage_v14.pop (Size: 36.74 KB / Downloads: 190)
.zip   mvm_steep_rc3a_adv_catastrophic_carnage_v14.zip (Size: 32.9 KB / Downloads: 95)
‏‏And that's the way the news goes!
(This post was last modified: 05-09-2023, 08:18 PM by Hyperion.)

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