[Mission] Bigrock - Metal on Strike

2 Replies, 1690 Views
Demo: https://us-testing.moonlight.tf:27107/de...45.dem.zip

Judges present: Averagegamer (Engi), Package O' Lies (Pyro), Skin King (Scout)

No Strike (First Judge run)

Overall: The ENTIRE mission is far too reliant on melee bots, resulting in the bots having nowhere near enough power to push anywhere effectively for almost the entire mission.
Please refrain from editing the default hp of bots unless they're minigiants or custom made giants. Since the chosen map is bigrock, the mission needs to have bots that are good at pushing through choke points, but not too strong since it's int (a good example of this is putting umeds on things). Use engi bots more often, Bigrock is long enough that even if the bots somehow do push out of some of the strongest chokes in any valve map, their pacing will be slowed down to the point that they're close to ineffective just due to the 22 bot cap existing, either spawn large bursts of bots, high maxactive streams of giants, or simply design your wave around engis existing. (Despite how valve's bigrock missions play out, cough broken parts cough, they do this fairly well and I would study them to better pace your mission)
Do not make soldiers or demos easy ai, their erratic aim makes them either completely useless or extremely annoying and unpredictable.

Wave 1: The 1st sub is alright, aside from the 60hp sandmans? They accomplish nothing other then be confusing and should be replaced with something that's alright at damaging players. Final 2 subwaves are unsalvageable and should be completely redone. The gauntlets for the reason of, 1 bot at a time in a slow stream is supremely boring, for the rest of the reason, refer to the general info. Same goes for the 2nd sub aside from the fact GFans are present, This subwave can work, just replace the gfans with a different variant and replace the gauntlets with something else.

Wave 2: Refer to overall feedback.

Wave 3:  Give any reflect pyros the pyro_airblast_daan icon, the conch + pryo squads get stuck in spawn due to the large squad size and should be cut down a bit, pyros shouldn't airblast this wave.
Refer to overall feedback for the rest of the wave

Wave 4: tanks should be spread out more and have their hp decreased by 10-15k each, gscouts should not wait for all tanks to spawn before coming out and be spread out a bit more (tanks + gscouts together). For the support, refer to overall feedback.

Wave 5: Sends extremely weak bots in semi large groups for the entire wave, accomplishing nothing until the 50k tank comes out, rework all but final sub. For final sub, replace gdemos with something stronger and reduce tank hp by 20k.

Wave 6: Similar to wave 5, all but final sub should be reworked, final sub is alright as is.

Wave 7: Boss waves should not exist on int, rework or remove and make wave 6 more finale esque. Also please don't stream spawn burst demos, they're incredibly unfun to fight.
(This post was last modified: 12-29-2022, 10:00 PM by Package O' Lies.)

Messages In This Thread
RE: [Mission] Bigrock - Metal on Strike - by Package O' Lies - 12-29-2022, 07:23 AM

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