[MISSION] Shiverpeak - Thin Ice

17 Replies, 11981 Views
Judges in attendance: M1, Erikku, DaMeister, Package, the fat
Demo link: https://us-testing.moonlight.tf:27107/de...76.dem.zip

Wave 1
-The pyro spam is extremely furious at the front and can immediately push nearly any team, but anywhere other than the front is a total joke and can be steamrolled. It would be better to try to use some bots that can push an advantage rather than lean so heavily into pyros.
-As the previous point mentioned, there is no advantage pushing, and holding away from the front is extremely easy.

Wave 2
-The wave is overall good.
-The commons should probably have quickuber medics instead of full duration. It's also not a good idea to buff the ubercharge rate of 8s duration medics.

Wave 3
-There's too much reliance on pyros here. Same point as wave 1.
-Otherwise, good.

Wave 4
-This wave relies entirely on extreme levels of bot spam. There's nothing that can really push you other than "not doing enough dps".
-Too many pyros, still.

Wave 5
-Still too many pyros.
-The wave has the exact same issue as wave 4, but taken to a bigger extreme. The pushing force is reliant on the huntsman snipers and the sheer bot HP rather than anything particularly interesting. It feels like a repeat of wave 4, and that's definitely not a good thing.
-There's a difficulty spike on this wave.

Wave 6
-Same problem as waves 4 and 5. These waves don't really have any defining features or attempt anything interesting beyond sending more bots and faster.

Wave 7
-What's with the popping regen medic? It just makes not popping the medic unnecessarily more difficult.
-Same problem as waves 4-6.

-The mission relies much too hard on sending huge volumes of robots rather than trying to craft a difficult challenge with each subwave. Having a few heavies would trivialize the mission.
-There was not a single mission support for the entire mission. Use some! The mission is bland without them.
-There are random stat changes on a ton of the bots for no particular reason.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [MISSION] Shiverpeak - Thin Ice - by Erikku - 05-27-2022, 03:28 AM
RE: [MISSION] Shiverpeak - Thin Ice - by M1 - 10-15-2022, 08:47 PM

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