[MISSION] Hoovydam - Dizzying Drill

8 Replies, 1232 Views
Hi, we judged your mission.

Judges present:
Egg (Spy)
Pasta (Soldier)
Floro (Scout)
Demo link: https://us-testing.moonlight.tf:27107/de...55.dem.zip

Mission has minor pacing issues to adjust, it is otherwise a fun playthrough, good work.
Consider playtesting waves 5 and 6 with a team of 6 to check for wave length.
-Many of the waitforalldead dependencies should be changed to waitforallspawned, particularly on the early waves (bad box soldiers wave 1, the subwave after the tank wave 2).

Wave 1:
-Adjust totalcount on the knights & the mittens to something not as large, the wave gets repetitive fast. Consider adding in a new tiny subwave to substitute the extra robots. We would suggest 20 totalcount on the knights and 24 on the mittens.

PS: we killed him first

Messages In This Thread
RE: [MISSION] Hoovydam - Dizzying Drill - by Floro - 01-04-2024, 04:35 PM
RE: [MISSION] Hoovydam - Dizzying Drill - by M1 - 01-05-2024, 06:51 PM

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