[MISSION] Anomalous Materials

11 Replies, 4976 Views
Judges present + comp:

Myself (Scout)
DaMno (Engineer)
Quantum Apple (Pyro)


Demo : https://eu-testing.moonlight.tf:27107/de...85.dem.zip

The judge run was kinda cursed, due to the issues that the map provided to us. Such as, nav issues of bots, the gate indicator not working, bots phasing through the gate, and other stuff like that, that you can check by yourself in the demo.

The beginning was way too aggressive for an int. This was caused mostly by the concherors. We suggest to remove the concheror from the bowmen.
The same reason caused a difficulty drop towards the end, it wasn't even nearly difficult as the beginning. The support was more threatening than your giant bisons...

Remove the QF medics. They've done nothing but causing an unexsitent threat. The problem with those medics is the fact, that their healing is very weak and slow. Especially when it comes to giants.

Replace the engi icon with a regular one

The subwave with bisons was entirely wiped by a single engineer, just for them being followed by 9999 soldiers that wipe everything.
Replace the bonk support with crit bats. These bots make your game a "Hatch Holding Simulator" against a swarm of fast invincible bots. Doesn't sound fun, specially for an int.

Replace the hyper burst icon with a regular burst. We've checked the stats of the bot on the !print_popfile and realised that the stats aren't as near as they should be for a "hyper" bot

This wave did not feel like an intermidiate at all. This was caused by the presence with multiple rapid fires that have multiple banners. This comp of bots is able to counter demoknight/sniper/phlog/cola/engineer globally. Doesn't sound like an int to us. Give the giant banner soldier rocket launchers stock stats instead of the rapid fire.
Your 2 first deflectors are using concheror, but it's not indicated by the icon.
Lower slightly the HP of your gate tank.
The support towards the end could be lowered. FOS combined with GHeavies + umeds is way too much for an int.

Messages In This Thread
[MISSION] Anomalous Materials - by Yoovy - 01-27-2023, 08:46 PM
RE: [MISSION] Anomalous Materials - by Yoovy - 01-27-2023, 08:47 PM
RE: [MISSION] Anomalous Materials - by Yoovy - 03-05-2023, 10:01 PM
RE: [MISSION] Anomalous Materials - by ✪ FraHtcy3 - 03-11-2023, 01:03 PM
RE: [MISSION] Anomalous Materials - by Yoovy - 04-05-2023, 09:30 PM
RE: [MISSION] Anomalous Materials - by Yoovy - 04-07-2023, 12:11 AM
RE: [MISSION] Anomalous Materials - by Yoovy - 04-08-2023, 06:57 PM
RE: [MISSION] Anomalous Materials - by M1 - 04-08-2023, 07:14 PM
RE: [MISSION] Anomalous Materials - by Yoovy - 04-24-2023, 10:15 PM

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