[MISSION] Hoovydam - Dizzying Drill

8 Replies, 1246 Views
Gave tag bot_giant to giants.
Added a warning comment to mission makers who are inspired to make a Hoovydam mission that they should, under no circumstances, make a Hoovydam mission.
Second subwave no longer waits on the tank, but waits an additional 10 seconds to start spawning.
ClientPrint message no longer has both a full stop and an exclamation mark.
Fixed refposing support demos. Now there are only intentional refposing support demos :^)
Cash reduced from 625 to 600 (as intended).
Increased WaitBetweenSpawns of final giants from 0 to 20.
Payout increased from 550 to 600 to keep the pattern of even waves having $600.

Mission file uploaded to server.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [MISSION] Hoovydam - Dizzying Drill - by randomguy - 01-03-2024, 09:45 PM
RE: [MISSION] Hoovydam - Dizzying Drill - by M1 - 01-05-2024, 06:51 PM

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