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Full Version: [MISSION] Production - Paramagnetism
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Hi, we judged your mission.

Verdict: PASS 2
Judges present: Pasta, Floro
Demo link:

Mission is in a good state, good work.
w1: added a support limited wavespawn for subwave 1, consisting of a total of 6 mini gauntlets, 2 max active 2 spawncount
this is to add slightly more noise for red as the first few seconds have red wait for the bots to slowly walk out of spawn, and to add something to distract red spy from the bigheal medics
their spawn will be at the sniper tunnel spawn.

added 1 more pyro squad to the second batch of the pyro squads. removed one medic off the giant blast soldier so the wavebar numbers look neater
small soldiers waitbetweenspawn increased from 6s to 6.5s
they sometimes do pile up a bit, this small adjustment should probably make it just so slightly less overwhelming, and maybe add some time to the wave and chances to help out the giant scouts more!

w5: replaced normal soldier support with normal heavy support
this is to add some more bullet damage during boss subwave as the boss is already a large amount of blast damage; and to add stuff to deter red scouts better to help the boss.
their maxactive is increased to 3 (from 2), however their waitbeforestarting has also been increased from 1s to 20s, to avoid too much stacking since they simply wait for the giant heavies to spawn.

small normal skill alwaysfire pyro wavespawn (not the one that's squadded with the giant heavies) spawn changed from flankers to spawnbot, this is to further help the giant medics, since the single pyro squadded sometimes isnt good enough
said pyro wavespawn waitbetweenspawns increased from 2s to 5s, max active decreased from 4 to 3
this is to slightly bleed them into later parts of the wave, could add some more fire damage into boss part; and being spaced out so they create less fire particle spam during w5's first subwaves

latest version of the popfile is attached to the thread, i havent uploaded them onto testing servers yet
removed 150 credits from various subwaves to further stop canteen usage heheheh
updated the file attachment on the thread, now it is a zip file containing the pop, and the two vscript files.

added instant shield activation vscript file that makes shield medics instantly use their shield when they spawn, instead of waiting for them to take damage themselves first.
this is to avoid them being easily picked off before they can threaten anything.

increased shield medic's durations from "increase buff duration" 5 to "increase buff duration" 9.
also added HUD mission names, forgot to mention
Added a nobuild to the hut at the front as a sentry at that spot causes quite a lot of trouble for small bots the break through. Its in the popfile itself and does not need an extra nut file
Renamed instantshield nut to have the mission name at the front for clarity.
removed an unused template

w1: switched the spawn of the newly added mini guantlets to flankers (from sniper tunnel) so they can do their job at protecting the small pyros bigheals better

w5: the normal heavies support that replaced soldiers support now had their waitbeforestarting increased to 25 (from 20), waitbetweenspawns increased to 7.5 (from 5), maxactive reduced back to 2 (from 3), they were much stronger than the small soldiers so they got a nerf
-w4: reduced 50 payout
-w6: reduced 50 payout
-w7: reduced 50 payout
reverted 3 out of the 4 money increase nerf change from late Jan.

direct dropbox link:
i've also updated the zip in the thread post
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